South Houston, TX, USA
Community and Lifestyle · Government and Military
11-50 employees
founded in
Every Shelter designs shelter solutions for refugees and displaced populations around the world. Our mission is to re-localize refugee-aid ecosystems to revolve around the needs, preferences, and aspirations of displaced persons. To Every Shelter, “home” transcends the confines of a physical space; it encompasses a profound sense of belonging, stability, safety, and comfort. It represents the realization of a dream—an environment where refugees can establish roots, find solace, and thrive. Every Shelter’s vision for the future is one where each and every refugee has the power to create their own sense of home. Every Shelter is building a sustainable ecosystem that recognizes the agency and resilience of refugees. The journey towards a true sense of home is multifaceted, encompassing aspects beyond physical shelter. By addressing social integration, economic engagement, and built-environment innovation, Every Shelter aims to unlock the potential within each refugee, allowing them to rebuild their lives with dignity and hope. In essence, Every Shelter seeks to reconfigure the humanitarian aid sector to put refugees and displaced peoples back in the center of their own story.
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